Blue Heron and other raptors search for little sea critters for lunch
Like the MOHAWK? Dad was an Iriquois so I am Entitled , Right?
The tide is headed out and the Great Blue Herons are moving in looking for a meal.  Part of  the oyster reef is clearly in view.  The dark poles are covered with growing succulent oysters.  The whitest poles have been newly set and are waiting for baby oysters to call home.
This is a self portrait digital snap of an oyster farmer at work. The pvc poles in the truck will each become home for dozens of oysters.  In the Blue crate are FRESH FRESH FRESH organic oysters.  That is approximately 20 gallons in the shell. You just don't get them fresher than this UNLESS you eat them standing in the bay. 
This is a self portrait digital snap of an oyster farmer at work. The pvc poles in the truck will each become home for dozens of oysters.  In the Blue crate are FRESH FRESH FRESH organic oysters.  That is approximately 20 gallons in the shell. You just don't get them fresher than this UNLESS you eat them standing in the bay. 
Part of the term "NATURAL"  means all the work is by hand.  The truck is the only luxury
Each pole is cut by hand, and carried out onto the bay, and set in the oyster Reef by physical labor only!  The oysters are harvested, carried to the oyster shed and processed by hand.  No Machines, No four wheelers, no pneumatic drivers, no lights, no motor car not a single luxury,---like Robinson Caruso, it's as Natural as can be.   (The truck gets materials to and from the farm-and is not a "motor car"  lol)