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Double or more your pay time.
   Simple.  run more than one program at the same time.  Some pay programs are not compatible  with each other, but some are.  Work combinations together and  see the results.   I have been able to get Several at the same time.  If you are there surfng they are there for your eyeballs to view.
  I have had as many as seven (7) bars running at the same time.  Isn't that the equivlent of seven hours in one?  Several companies encourage you to run their bars with others.  Why?  Because their ads are being viewed!  These companies recognize that selfishness limits their opportunities. That is what destroyed great ideas and products in the past-- like the Edsel (yes debatable) The Tucker (and obvious) (Beta Video)!  If they don't get exposure they can't grow and make money for us all!  So run those viewers proudly and make lots of money!
People are everywhere.  There are not too many places you can go that don't have people. To promote your surf for pay, just talk to them.  I have met people at scout events and foot ball games. tell them how  you make money  and refer them to your web site.  It is easiest if you have an address (url) to send them too.  If not, give them your referral number, the address of the companies, and ask them to please use your referral #ID when they decide to get paid while on the internet.  It puts them in your downline as a reward for showing them the way to some easy money.  
Talk to people you meet and tell them what you do.  "I get paid to surf' on the internet"
I'm getting paid right now!
Get a dedicated computer and a dedicated second phone line
Yes,  right out of the gate you can earn enough from these companies that will pay for a 2nd phone
line.  In fact, I have made enough that I have an extra phone line and 2nd computer makin' money. An extra phone line is well, well worth the small cost involved.  You can be makin' money FULL TIME!  I was able to pay for a 2nd phone line in just my first month.  No more problems over "who uses the phone"!
    A 2nd computer:  You may or may  not need one, but it is sure nice to have a computer for "everybody" in the house.  You could pick up an inexpensive 486 and older pentium nowadays for less than $300 for a complete system.  A dedicated inexpensive computer would easily pay for itself, -buy the mother thunder of all computers when you have established profitable downline! 
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This page was last updated on: December 11, 2001

  How many seeds can a grass hopper kick  from a crate of  crazed pickled watermelons before a doghouse can be shingled with feathers?
Just Testing your imagination!   Imagine the possibilities of just a little steady continued effort.  The person who introduced me to Free Money is making over $6000 a month-- for being a part-Time Mouse Potato.  May I motivate you further.  I 've done this 2 months and I already am receiving checks every month!  And every month they get larger just like yours will.  When you sign up, refer at least 3 people, and tell them about referring  3 people.  Let's see....$1000 a month from 20 companies for the rest of YOUR LIFE..........
When your referrals are surfing, YOU GET PAID!
                                                    I HAVE A BIG IMAGINATION
By  double clicking on the dollar sign on the gotoworld browser, a popup will appear that says show banner only.  Clicking on this banner will close the browser and leave the banner ads running.  This is a way to run numerous other surf for pay banners without the gotoworld browser swallowing them up!  You stillget paid the same (whatever it is ) prevailing rate.