Question:    You say that you are not writing this to make money and that is not what you are after.  So why is it that you have those links on your page.  EVERYBODY KNOWS that you GET PAID every time someone clicks on those links.  Doesn't that affect your credibility since you are asking for money and getting money when people click the links?

  THIS is a sincere multipart question with more than one answer.  They all tie together but I will answer each segment.
      Yes that is correct. I'll Repeat it! I am not out for my personal individual monetary gain.  I have been offered some hair curling amounts if I were to publish he whole story and sell the book on the free market, if I were to Merchandise the story. As tempting as these offers have been, and that I would probably be known pubicly, They have all been rejected. EVERY ONE OF THEM! Why, because I am not out to "get rich" by telling the story. I do not charge for an e-book, no charges of anykind. Everyone is free to download, print, copy, and share this story SO LONG AS no one sells, merchandises, or uses it to MAKE A PROFIT!
2.  Everybody KNOWS you GET PAID when they click on the links.
    Nope, I don't.  It would be nice if I did.  Yes, there are companies out there that if you affiliate and put their banner(s) on your page, you get paid for the click thru on a unique visitor.  These are not those kinds of links.   Feel free to check it out for yourselfs.  I do not get paid for click thrus.  Not one RED CENT,NADA,NOTHING! 

Currently there are 2 offers on my site.  These are from companies that I use.   I believe that they offer a good value or service.  I do receive a credit to be paid at a future date if you purchase the service after clicking on MY link.  You will discover that it is difficult to give something away.  I am considering one more offer, which is a homestead link.  It is the service which is hosting my site.  I pay them for this service, it is not free.  This payment comes out of my pocket.  The service is a good one and I recommend that you check it out if you are interested in having a web site.

   FAIR ENOUGH question.  The answer is I pay for this site myself.  I have these links up as help to pay for the site and the services for you to find it.  I do not make enough to pay for the services. The difference is still paid by me.  It is simply a way to help keep the site up.  If you are looking for your own domain name, my link sends you to the company I USE.  I think they ask a very fair price and provde good service.  I use the phone card that I link to also.  I don't receive money from them, I receive time on my card.  I use it for Longdistance.  I speak to my boys in the military.  When the oldest, Neil, was in afghanistan it was very valuable to Virginia and me.
   The facts are that I don't make enough here either and the money still comes out of my pocket.        


I certainly hope not.  I am not out selling products and services.  There are much better ways to do that.  I don't ask you for money.  I am trying to keep the site up.  Sometimes it has been touch and go.  Once again, if I were trying to make a lot of money, this would not be the way to do it.  I would simply publish the book, take my royalties, and chuckle all the way to the bank.  This is not the plan, this is not what is happening!
  Many of you have offered to "send me a dollar" just to help out.  Although your offers are so very kind and truly truly appreciated, I have either said no "thankyou" or was unable to answer you. Right now, I once again want to thank every one of you who have offered to help in this manner.  I hope that speaks for itself.
              What do you readers think?
  Is it okay to keep the site up in this manner?  To put you in touch with a few limited offers that I use?  A free Magazine, phone card, domain names, and a hosting service?
If I am not able to pay the expenses should I let the site go down?  Should I just ask for assistance from the readers?
Question:  Pat, are you still alive? Really, nothing has been posted for a while.  Or is the family keeping this site up?  If that is the case I will believe this is a HOAX.

A:  I really am truly honestly for real still alive as of June 15th @ 12:34 am.  I certainly hope I'm not a HOAX or all of the people who saw me today (well over 500, probably closer to 800) At the Grand Communication at the Kennewick Wa. Convention center were hallucinating.   Today I was with hundreds of people.  I'm sure they think I'm real enough and had enough motion and breathed regularly to convince them that I am not yet dead--- again.  I just pinched myself to be sure, yup, it hurt!