Hello, I am pleased that you have read this far. I would like your feed back. How am I doing? Are the answers to questions answered adequately? Do you still have questions that have not been answered? If you haven't been fully satisfied with the answers so far, which questions need to be answered more fully? I am concerned about two things at this time. First, that I might be to long winded. Second that I answer a question like presidential candidates. You know, you ask them questions and they give you an answer about everything but the question. This is where you can pin me down and let me know if I'm getting the job done. I'll be answering more questions on this page later on of course, but this is the opportunity for your feed back. Thanks |
Q. Do you know why this happened to you? |
This question is asked a lot. I Think I may know why I died but it is to vague to give a solid definate answer. Although this is phrased as one question it is really two, it has two separate answers. First, why did I have the physical death, and secondly why did I return after my death experiences? This must be viewed as both a physical and a spiritual question. First is the physical, why did I suddenly have this instant onslaught of physical trauma and die? Todate, there has been no medical answers. The physicians are stumped on that one. There were numerous tests performed on me looking for a probable cause but nothing, absolutely nothing was found to explain this. They looked for drugs, alcohol, poisons, toxicology, bacteria, germs, ect, all the things that might give a clue or some hint as to why. Again the test results gave no answers. They looked for diseases that may have developed and suddenly presented themselfs this way, still nothing. So the answer to the first part, the physical part, is nobody knows why this happened to me. There isn't a clue of any kind. The best explanation I have been given is, "it just happened, it was your time"! Second possible reason is spiritual, perhaps it was my time for this to happen spiritually. I am saying that there were spiritual reasons for me to die. It has answered many of my questions is a most dramatic, memorable, and unforgettable way with an impact! I have asked God questions and I believe this was the way to answer them. Also to give me the message(s) to return with. Because of requests, I died, but because I asked, I had to live again to fulfill the request. Ask and you shall receive? I asked and this may have been the only way for me to hear, to truly pay attention, and received some answers. So, my view of the event is it happened so I would have some answers. We should look at it as a positive happening. |
That is really a loaded question and it takes a lot of courage to answer this. I was assigned a psycologist because of telling about this while still coming out of the coma in the hospital. Yes, absolutely I saw God and I stood before God's presence. It has a great deal to do with the answer. |
Q. How do you know it was God? |
I know! Much Much more happened rather than just standing there and seeing a bright light. Because of all of the events,what was around me, even at that moment I knew who God was. It was the very first question that I asked, and it was answered! |
Q. You asked questions? What did you ask? Did you get answers? |
I lumped these three together, but you must know that there are many many answers for these three. I really think it best if I spread this one around a bit. Some of these questions that I am asked cover the very same questions I asked. The answer to the first question is Yes, I asked a lot of questions. If you had the opportunity to have a one on one talk with God, wouldn't you have some questions too? Wouldn't you want to know the answers from the source. They would be the only true answers. I did ask questions. I have heard people say that to do so took a great deal of courage. Maybe so, but when this particular thing was taking place, I found that it was difficult to speak with God. I was very very humbled in Gods presence and I found that the words I spoke were barely squeaking out of me, a very tiny whisper. Have you every tried to speak and found that you couldn't, or that your throat lumped up and nothing much came out? I've had dreams where I needed to yell out, to scream at the top of my voice but dry raspy sounds was all I could manage. That is how I was at that moment. I wanted to be brave, standing right up and speak strong and proud. That was a mistake. My attempt at pride was the very reason I found it difficult to speak. I was humbled for that very reason. I was put in my place and realized it. I didn't always have that problem, but as long as pride was there, I could not speak very well and I was quite humbled. |
The first question as I have said was ,"are you God". I instinctly knew this was so but I asked anyway. Here I was standing before immeasureable brillance and absolute glory, The feeling of power rumbled deep and was yet inaudible. The question squeaked out tiny and small. Try as I could with all my might the same thing kept repeating. This is how my voice was as first, small and feeble yet I knew it was enough to be heard. The answer was "I am"
Q. When you were first standing in the "light" could you see anything? |
Yes I could after a while. It was not because I adjusted to the light, It was because the light adjusted to me and allowed me to see beyond its brillance. The best comparison is when your eyes are briefly blinded when stepping from a dark room out into a brite sunny day. The difference is that I did not have to wait for the adjustment to occur. When I was allowed to see, it happen at that moment, an instantaneous happening. It was not a limited vision thing, it was sudden, I was allowed to see clearly in all directions. The light remained at its immeasureable intensity and actually continued to increase as I stood there. If this had been normal circumstances there was no way any person, no matter what brand of cool shades they had on, would have been able to see. It was that I was given permission, that my eyes were allowed to see with the light. Still, I could not look directly at it. No matter where I was looking however, I could still see the brilliance. |
Q. Could you see where you were, and what did you see? |
This moment can be compared to waking up after a dream and then realizing you are where you were not. Things around me were unfamiliar. The difference was that there was no morning grogginess that accompanies a real deep and heavy sleep. I surely wasn't in bed waking up, nor was I having one of those wearing underwear (no pants) in your classroom phenomena. Things were just unfamiliar and I couldn't make a lot of sense of the totality of the surroundings. |
Q. What was the first thing you saw when you could see clearly? |
I want to stress that "seeing" with your eyes is not the only "seeing". To see with your eyes alone is a very parochial concept. I saw with awareness, intuition, my heart,my feelings, and knowledge. I "saw" in ways that I don't know how to truly relate, but all of this was true sight. Seeing with your eyes is a very limited concept. I could see with the totality of my soul. There was no limit to my vision. Excluding seeing John, The laptop computer thing he held in his right arm, and the sudden appearance of the light, The First thing I saw was Johns' voice. John said, "Don't worry, everything is alright". My fears, any aniexty I held, at that moment were dispelled! That was my first sight. In a more human sense, I was not limited to straight ahead - forward vision. Sight was also a 360 degree ability. Something like seeing up and down, forward and backward simultaneously. Circumferance vision,global sight. |
Gosh no! I would be so presumptious. I am just a person who has been sent back with a message. The message is very powerful though and I know that it would be very wise to listen to it, think about it, and pay attention to what it means. The message applies to all of us. Now that I have been priviledged to return, I have first hand knowledge as to the depth and importance of its' meaning. It is short and simple, but don't be fooled into believing that it is not unimportant. |
Q. What is the meaning of that. What is it I am suppose to understand? |
As far as answers go, yes I received answers to everything I wanted to know and had the courage to ask. I was even given answers I had not thought of but were important for me to know. Not all of them were necessarily what I expected or wanted to hear, nor did I understand them all. However in every single instance I was answered. Some of the answers were "NO, You may not know that". I am going to ask you again, if you had the priviledge of sitting down with God, having a soda and a nice chat in a comfy chair, What would you ask. What is important enought to you that you desire to know? That is the opportunity I had. To be in the presence and receive. |
I am going to pass on this one answer for now. Each person, as they read my story will find an answer. I'll give mine later. I do believe that most do understand without asking! |
So, my question to you is, when the opportunities arises, you're one on one in the presence of God, what do you want to do? What do you want to know? What do you want to ask? What exactly is "it" that you want? There was much more I "wanted" than to just ask questions. Here I am only dealing with questions. |
I think it would be best to cover my questions to God in another forum. I would probably get lost in doing that work because it is extensive! I will continue this Q&A however. When I have enough uploaded to the questions to God page (what should I call it?) I will activate this link. . |
Q. How much do you expect to make with this book? |
First of all. I am writing this book on the web. Except for the cost of the equipment you are using (your computer and modem) and possibly whatever you pay for phone lines and internet access, IT IS FREE on the world wide web. FREE FREE FREE! AND, Unless the nature of the internet changes, it will remain free on the web. In that sense, I am not monetarily profiting. I'm not asking anyone to send me finanal support! I have embarassed myself talking about "costs" in the past. I should explain and expand on that. To publish this book on the net does cost me. It costs my time. Time is a very precious commodity. Time to write, rewrite and correct. Time to find mistakes (and there are many) and correct them. Time to answer the many wonderful letters I have been receiving, and the very few nasty ones also. Time to answer questions. The book costs electricity to operate the computer. Fortunately, I live in washington state in a county that has some of the lowest electrical rates in the country. Travel expenses. Yes, I have been invited numerous places to talk about my death and book. My health gets in the way of travel and it takes a lot out of my physically. It "taxes" my health. It costs to travel. Fortunatly, some of the organizations I have spoken at have assisted me. To them, Thankyou very much! Your help is truly appreciated! There is also the costs of the equipment in the first place, but it is a tool my whole family uses. This costs would be quite low when divided over time and the diversity that all of the family has used this machine(s) for. The cost of the extra phone line strictly for Internet access. Writing this interferrs with the family phone line. I don't have DSL so a second line is currently the only way around that problem. The service isn't even available in my area, and when it is, it will be very spendy. The cost of the ISP. (you know, internet service provider) My son uses a free internet service but they have an advertisement bar that uses up memory space and slows the computer down, besides being downright distracting! So, I still pay for my access. Also, I do print out my pages, the letters written to me so there is the additional cost of paper and ink. None of this is actually free....except my cost to you for reading my story! I do receive a spiritual benefit. That is where my true reward is. |
Q. Will you or do you expect to publish a conventional book? If so, will it be free also? |
Two questions which belong together. I have been approached to publish this conventionally. The reasoning was that a book published in the conventional manner would be available to more people. It could be translated into other languages and be made available worldwide. Not everyone everywhere has access to the internet. The book would always be available, not subject to the availability of the online version and access to the web. I suppose there would be a few differences between the two versions, but the basic content and idea would remain the same. I imagine this question would not be in a published paper version, but the story, the Q&A's, and questions to God would all be there, assuming I had my way. One of the problems in publishing is paying for it. I could not pay for the book and give it away free. Embarrassingly as it is to say, a conventional book would cost something. Somehow I would have to pay for it. How much would it cost, I don't know. I don't plan on making a "killing" with it. Of course, you can always download and print it from the web. I have not placed firewalls up to stop that. I have said it is free on the internet. The message is free, the internet version is free! I do retain the copywrite. Now all of the usual disclaimers: No one is authorized to copy this and profit from it! It is for personal use, reference only. However, the story may (and must) be shared! |
OK. Costs, Paying for things, and profiting from them is a fine line and it can range from the necessary to the absurd. To say something is free and then pass around the hat is hypocritical to me. Buy one, get one free is an example. Free is not an issue here. Somewhere you had to shell out some cash. Buy this and SAVE 30%. If you are paying you certainly are not saving anything, you may just be paying less than that merchants usual price, and even that is subjective due to free enterprise, - you know competition in the market place. When it comes to theology, I am apalled by the misuse of offerings by a few. Funding is necessary for a church to pay its bills of course. Giving is a good thing and I am not belittleing or against offerings, but there are good examples I want to avoid (and I am definately not a church!) One example is a well know TV evangalist said "If I don't raise five million dollars by five 0' clock next sunday evening (it was some time frame), God is going to call me home!" God doesn't work like that. God has no use for money. Being called home I found to be a great experience. A wonderful thing! Once there, I didn't want to leave. That statement clearly is give me money or else threat. I'd like to say,"shame on him", but that would be judgmental and I won't. Another example is the misuse of funds. Another TV evangalist and his wife spent money to extravaganst! AIR CONDITIONED DOGHOUSES! A home for disabled children sounded great until it was discovered there was only one child and they are a relative. Where did their riches come from? Do you see this point of view? These gifts were not given to make anyone financially well off. So that is where I embarrased myself. I talked about these peeves of mine without balancing out the true needs and benefits. People have needs that have to be attended to. If you go to church, The pastor and his family will starve if you only give your best intentions. So, I do get embarassed about costs because they do exist, there are true expenses that need to be met. When I have been invited to speak, I have been given Love offerings. Usually it is enough to pay for travel and a meal. I am embarrassed to accept these things, but without them I would not bee able to travel and speak to and with these wonderful people. I have refused to take them in the past, but I have had it explained to me that you should never refuse a gift of love. I am embarrased to accept money for this due to my criticism of others misuse. In no way do I want to become the hypocrit and use any gifts I receive for gasoline powered turtleneck sweaters.(For those of you wondering about that statement, it is from the comedian Steve Martin talking about spending money) It is one of those "between a rock and a hard place" situations! |
Q: How many e-mails have you received asking questions? |
Well, I would imagine that the question is much larger in scope than limiting it to just e-mails. It appears that what I have led and died thru has captured the interest of quite a few. I am finding out that people really want to know what is waiting for them after death, or rather after life. I'll deal with that thought and question later. I am going to have to lump this one together. I am not just limited to e-mail questions. Since I have begun talking about my life after death experience, I have receive letters in the post mail, Yes e-mails, telephone calls, and people who know me or have heard about my experience and think " There's that guy that died " have even walked up to me and asked me questions. One State patrol officer even pulled me over with lights and siren. I thought I had done something and thought,"there goes my insurance rates!" But he recognize me and my car and had a pressing qjestion he needed to ask. Well, I have keep track of a few of the statistics As I am writing this,Today, January 3rd twothousand one. (01/03/2001) I can give an accurate count one the e-mails received. I have received 1573 emails. The number of questions on each e-mail have averaged about 3. I have been able to answer about 300 of the e-mails directly and personally. Many of you have written back with kinds words! Again, thankyou so much for your support. I would like to answer them all! I have felt very close to a lot of the people writing to me because I have been able to identify with many of the things that they have gone or are going thru, what many of you have been feeling, and the desire and need to know! I havn't keep track of the people who have walked up to me and asked questions. I would estimate that this number is well over 500 at this date. I have been seen speaking and it does feel wonderful that people from the audiences remember me. I think I will have to begin to keep a log so I can answer this question more accurately as time passes. I can say that it has been at least 1 person a day. I don't get out very often because of my health and disabilities, so I am often approached by more than one person with more than one questions when I have been able to be out and about. It might be that my cane is recognized first! It is a beautiful hand carved serpent. I don't really keep track of the phone calls, and I would reall hope and appreciate people not to call me one the phone. I have pain when I talk and there is considerable difficulty talking. My vocal cords have been damaged by this ordeal and I try to save my voice for when I really need it. The volumn goes up and down but is usually soft and my voice will go out on me completly if I speak to long. I have received many calls on the phone and again I amust apologize because I havn't keept track of that number. I will estimate it to be about 350 calls. My wife and other members of the family will "field" the calls for me because my voice doesn't last long and because it is difficult and painfull for me speak, also I do go thru times when I can speak better with less pain at times. I have received about 600 letters in the mail. How did they find where I live? Well I am an amateur radio operator and My address is public record. I suppose that it took some ingenuity to find me, but I am not hiding and I can be found to have a letter sent to me thru the US Mail. I cannot respond to these unless accompanied by a SASE. Those of you who have written hav not been ignored, I just cannot shoulder the financial burden! Currently I have a considerable medical bill which decimates my income. I am adding here that I do truly appreciate the letters that have been sent to me, the questions that have been asked, and the positive criticism and comments that I have received from all of you. The negative and detracting statements number less than 7. Those few have been peppered with hate, swear words, and have demonstated to me that what I am doing is necessary, needed, and truly doing good , helping to answer many questions about what is waiting for us after life!!! Please continue writing to me, I do so much want to hear from each one of you even if I can't write each one of you back personally! In that event, I hope that your questions will be addressed in this forum . Thankyou so much for your time reading this. |
Q: Earlier you said you were embarrased about costs. Could you please be more specific and explain this? |
Q: Are People reborn, you know, reincarnated back to life as other people? |
Well I just don't know! This wasn't a question that I thought of asking or even came up! First, there are many beliefs that teach reincarnation, Hinduism is one of them. As little as I understand about Hinduism, their belief in reincarnation encompasses the entire universe and galaxies and all that is. Everything spirals to death and is then reborn and renewed. My experience in death is that I was reborn as a better person in a new eternal body. I was of course sent back to earth in my old body to bring back the message. I would have preferred that I had a new and better body here, but I am in this one so that people will actually listen to the message I have to share. |